Here what’s on my mind today:
1) 24 was off the chain last night. This is one of their best seasons yet.
2) Innovation 3 kicks off in Dallas today. I Really wish I was there. I’m trying to figure out a way to get there. I just heard about like a week ago. UPDATE: Stupid ice storm…
3) Marty Mosher led our first Home Team training on Sunday. Dude, it was AWESOME! Thanks for the reminder that it’s all about reaching the lost and how Home Teams fit into that purpose. Tons of great stuff on Information Vs. Transformation too.
4) Quote from Marty Mosher (slightly paraphrased I’m sure) “I love the Bible. I believe the Bible. I think we should study the Bible. But I already know enough Bible to keep me busy for the rest of my life. I don’t need more INFORMATION, I need TRANSFORMATION so I can do what it says.” He gave the example of the underground church in communist China. They sometimes only see part of the Bible at one time yet they are rocking their world. Your comments?
5) Pastor Ed Young torn it up on the Colbert Report last night. He was on there to explain his 7 Day Sex Challenge at his church. Ed is the Jack Bauer of Pastors! Here he is on the Early Show:
6) FOSM was awesome on Sunday:
a) Mayo rocked as always.
b) Zach led on TWO songs! Zach is our 18 year old worship intern. Dude, God is really working in you. Stay obedient and keep pressing on. He has great plans for you…
c) The sound was awesome. Stacy and Craig do an awesome job each and every week. Way to go guys!
d) Fantastic children’s ministry! You guys are the unsung heroes week in and week out. Thanks Joe for leading!
e) God has brought about 50 first time visitors in the last 2 weeks. He is awesome. He gets the credit for everything. Read this post ASAP.
f) Man, I had a tough time preaching Sunday morning… But, God is the teacher so I know it is HE who is changing lives, not me. It’s good to be reminded of that.
7) My wife is awesome.
8) My kids are a constant source of joy. Also a source of stress too sometimes. LOL
9) I don’t watch a lot of TV. But right now I’m into 24, American Idol, Fringe, and The Simpsons. Looking forward to Fringe and AI tonight.
10) Veronica and Terry were out of town this past Sunday. Y’all were missed! His grand-nephew who is a week old HAD a malformed heart chamber. He was slated for THREE open heart surgeries, the first of which was scheduled for today. Yesterday the family went in to consult with the doctor before the surgery. The doctor’s said “We can’t explain why but the boy’s heart is FIXED.” Yeah, that’s right… GOD HEALED HIM. {dance breaks out. Blog author singing, shaking his booty and stirring the pot} Way to go God!
11) Super Bowl Sunday is coming! So is Football Frenzy! Bring your friends then bring ’em to church with you for the trophy celebration! You can invite them using the Facebook page. Can anybody say “Time for an Address Book Spam!!”
12) It’s going to get really cold tonight. Stay warm.