Wow, what a crazy ride we are on! One of the best days and one of the worst days of the stock market all in one week. Today was a killer.
Tag: Meltdown
Meltdown: Fear of Financial Ruin
Psalm 20:7 Some trust in horses and some in chariots, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
The events of the past months, especially the past few weeks, have a lot of people scared as heck. The fear is understandable. Questions arise such as “Will I have a job so I can feed my family? What about my retirement fund? and Will there be another depression?”
All of these are legitimate questions, but as followers of Jesus we need to constantly refocus our worries and fears. Why? First off, Jesus says not to worry because the Father will take care of us (Matthew 6:25). So when you do worry, just turn it into a prayer until the worry goes away. Second, we aren’t supposed to trust in stuff. Stuff comes and goes. We trust God who never changes (Hebrews 13:8).
Question Dump:
What are you worrying about?
Are you trusting in anything or anyone other than God to take care of you?
Who really owns your stuff, God or you?
What would you do if you lost everything?