A Chalk Talk on Leadership – Steve Price – Session 3
Steve is a VP at Dell. His talk is about 3 things that every great leader must have.
Lou Holtz – you can do anything you set out to do if you lead with your heart.
You have to decide that you want to be a great leader. It starts with the heart.
1) Understand the significance of impact. Leaders have the ability to change the trajectory of another person’s life. Are you positioned to have impact? You must have passion and competence. Your impact as a leader is where your passion and competence intersect. That is your sweet spot. Your life doesn’t have signifigance if it doesn’t impact others.
2) Understand the power of influence. Others don’t follow because they have to but because of your influence ultimately. Influence is the intersection of the trust others have in you and your engagement in their lives. Does your family know that taking the field with them is the greatest thrill of your life? How about others you lead? Do they know that you will give your best? If so, you can have unbelievable influence! I’m a work in progress and I am giving you the best I have…
3) Put others before yourself. When you choose your behavior, then you can care for people. When you care, then you can serve and sacrifice for others. When you serve and sacrifice, then you have influence. If you have influence, then you really lead.
Do you love people more than your position?
Great leadership is a function of impact and influence. Do you desire to make an impact or an impression? An impression fades quickly. Impact lasts forever.