I would go on a field trip…


Originally uploaded by randybryan.dot.com

As I was laying in my bed the other day, I thought about our current series at church, “One Month to Live.” I have been asking myself the question, “What would I do if I had thirty days to live?” As I lay there, I asked myself that question. The answer for that day came quick: “If I had thirty days to live I would go on a field trip with one of my children.

Both of them had field trips today. It worked out that I could go on my daughter’s field trip. Here we are outside the Alamo in San Antonio. After the field trip, we popped over to the San Antonio Zoo and picked up my son who was just finishing up his field trip there. On the way home we stopped by Freddie’s Custard in New Braunfels.

What a great day!

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