I hope that you are having an awesome week!
1 Corinthians 10:31 says “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I’ve been thinking about that verse. For 2007, let’s glorify God with the goals we set.
Here are 3 “Must-dos” when setting goals:
1) Know where you want to go BEFORE you set your goals.
A young man walked up to an older man who was practicing with a bow and arrow. Much to the young man’s amazement, the old man had shot his arrows at least ten times and every single time he hit a bull’s-eye! The young man was astonished. He asked the older man, ‘How did you do that?’ With much wisdom in his voice, the older man replied ‘It’s really quite easy. I shoot the arrow and then I walk over and paint a bull’s-eye around it!
Do you know where you are headed before you set out? Ask God to show you the way!
2) Set measurable goals.
Saying things like ‘I want to be a better spouse’ or ‘I want to be more giving’ are great things to say, but they make sorry goals. Why? Because you really don’t know when you’ve arrived. To set great goals, you have to see them like a mountain top, or a finish line. That way, you really know if you have arrived or not. If you haven’t arrived, then you know exactly how far you need to go. So set goals like ‘I want to pray with my spouse three times a week’ or ‘I want to give 20% of my income to God in 2007.’
3) Set goals that if reached, will make a better life for yourself, or even better for other people.
So far in recorded history, no one has ever said on their death bed ‘I really wish I would have spent more time at the office.’ When we come to the end of our lives, the things what will matter are the things done for God and the things done for others. Keep that in mind with every goal that you set.